Basic information

In this section, you will find basic information about the Tusheti region - geography, people, history, architecture, ethnography, music or cuisine.


 Geography and topography of the region.

Where do you go?


Who are Tushebi

(Tush people)?


Detailed overview of historical past from the very beginning up to the 21st century.


The meadows in summer are covered with colourful flowers, many of them endemics.

The wild animals are difficult to observe, but Tusheti nature is rich of them including some rare pieces. The region is a paradise for observing flying raptors 


What's the difference between regular and Tushuri khinkali?


Inside Tusheti qoshq


Guide through ethiquette and traditions

Festival and rites

Useful terms

The dictionary of useful words in Georgian you might encounter in Tusheti

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